We foster the conservation of the historic Spanish Barb horse through public education, preservation breeding, genetic records, rigorous registry and member collaboration.
The SPANISH BARB HORSE ASSOCIATION was originally established as the SPANISH BARB BREEDERS ASSOCIATION (SBBA) in 1972. The desire was to both preserve and restore horses of Colonial Spanish descent to the original qualities from which time and circumstances had extracted a toll. The SBBA members endeavored to recreate the horse as depicted in historic art and literature while keeping the wonderful temperament, acute intelligence and athletic abilities praised in historical writings.
This has been accomplished by the use of selective breeding of individual horses showing exceptional Spanish type. Despite all efforts, the Spanish Barb is still a critically endangered population. The breed is listed in the critical category both by the Livestock Conservancy and the Equus Survival Trust.


Through various activities such as participating in public events and demonstrations, setting up informational booths and participating in parades, our members are always trying to make the greater public aware of the treasure that is the Spanish Barb Horse. We also maintain a social media presence, publish newsletters and manage our website.

Our membership is passionate about continuing selective breeding practices, endeavoring to produce high quality horses for the future. Even a single breeding mare can have an important impact on the overall preservation effort. The SBHA is supportive of our members interest in breeding and is available for consultation for any member.

Our purpose is to record pedigrees and track ownership of horses that qualify for registration in the SBHA.
The majority of our registered horses are offspring of registered SBHA animals; however the SBHA is an “open” registry, in that we accept applications for horses from parentage not currently registered in our association.
Regardless of the origins of an applicant, each horse accepted into the Registry must stand on its own merit. This means passing an inspection based on its individual adherence to the SBHA Breed Standard.


Within our membership is the opportunity to collaborate with others who are passionate about the Spanish Barb horses. With the extensive history and knowledge of many long time breeders we get to draw from a unique source of knowledge within our membership. Throughout the year Spanish Barb lovers get together at local and annual events to showcase the diversity of their horses. As a contributing member of the Livestock Conservancy we work closely to maintain records and valuable genetic information. We support ongoing education on type and conformation and continue to educate the public on the significant value the Spanish Barb horses contribute to American culture.