El Torbellino
The overall appearance of the Spanish Barb is one of balance.

The breed standard for the Spanish Barb is the tool used to evaluate horses by which the individuals of the breed are judged for type (Spanish characteristics) and conformation. The standard also serves as a basis of comparison by which horses are measured for acceptance within the Registry. Every aspect of the breed standard has been designed to promote the IDEAL for the breed. This ideal is the method by which the goal of complete restoration in quality and excellence, will continue to be achieved.
The Spanish Barb horse has depth of body and a neck that ties in low. The hindquarters is round in shape and consists of long, smooth muscling. The legs are clean and proportionate to the body, the joints and bones are large.
The overall impression is one of balance, depth of neck and body, roundness of hip, strong, clean-limbed legs and a refined head.


Standard height of the Spanish Barb is 13.3 to 15 hands. A few individuals may mature slightly under or over but will not represent the norm.
All colors are found within the breed: dun, grullo, chestnut, black, bay, roan, gray and pinto, (Overo, Tobiano and Sabino).

Straight profile with refined lips and shallow mouth

A Ram Nose (as in sheep) is a convexity of the nose

Broad forehead
with a refined and
tapering nose
The head is distinctively Spanish in type. It is refined and elegant with a tapering nose. The muzzle is short, being set off by a shallow mouth and firm lips. The nostrils are crescent shaped and of ample size for air intake when enlarged during exertion. The profile is straight or slightly convex. The ears are short to medium, and curved inward at the tip. The large eyes are set well forward on the head and are primarily brown, but blue eyes occur occasionally.
The back is short, and well-muscled. The loin is short, straight and full. The croup is round and sufficiently full in width and length to be in balance with the body. The flank is deep and the tail set is medium to low.
The legs are straight and in proportion with the body with long muscling in the forearms and thighs, with short, dense, and clean cannons. The circumference of the front cannons average 7 1/4 to 7 7/8 inches. The joints are well developed, strong and clean.
Under normal conditions the mane, forelock and tail are quite long and full. An exceptionally full mane will sometimes fall naturally on both sides of the neck.
When in summer coat, the feathering ranges from lacking, curled tightly against the lower leg, to some that have hair curling from the back of the fetlock. Chestnuts on the front legs are small, smooth and not protruding. Chestnuts, when they appear on the hind legs, should be extremely small and flush with the leg. Ergots are either lacking, very small, or appear more as a callous. The pasterns are medium in length and have good flexibility which contributes to the smoothness of gaits. The hooves are ample and well shaped, with an excellent frog formation and thick walls which are extremely hard.
The classical style characteristic to the Spanish Barb Horse and all Iberian/Barb descended breeds is displayed by their natural carriage, action, intelligence and temperament under saddle. These somewhat elusive traits remain an important part of their heritage and appeal and are basic to the successful restoration of the breed.

There are a million reasons to love a spanish barb!
The Spanish Barb horses are incredibly versatile and of excellent temperament. They are commonly called on to be the perfect family horse or all around "do anything" mount. They are known to have excellent endurance and can go easily all day on a ranch or out on trail in extreme weather conditions and difficult terrain. They can be used for most any discipline, with a willing and eager attitude!